Black-Eyed Children


Black-Eyed Children

Region of origin: Worldwide

Tales of children or young teens who appear otherwise normal save for pale skin and, most notably, eyes that are fully black, approaching people alone or in pairs and asking for rides or to be let into homes, often in the middle of the night have been gaining in popularity via shared emails and message boards since the mid-Nineties, coming in from numerous countries around the world. People encountering the children describe them as, despite initally acting amicable, ineffably menacing, and they may turn verbally aggressive if they are continually denied. Most stories end with them seemingly giving up after some time; contrawise stories where the person eventually acquiesces to letting them in often results in the person contracting a disease or a sudden death not long after (the children themselves disappearing or being picked up by unseen parties in black cars in some cases). Speculation places the children in demonic, vampiric or extraterrestrial camps but their origins remain largely unknown.

Originally posted on Tumblr on July 1, 2016

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