


Region of origin: Canary Islands

Demonic figures of Guanches mythology alternatively known as Tibicena and Guacanchas to inhabitants of different islands, they were thought to be children or attendants of Guayota, an evil god of darkness and volcanoes and would hunt humans and livestock found outside at night as well as serving as familiars and servants to witches. Though largely described as being large, black dogs, idols of Tibicenas have been found shaped as boar- or bear-like animals and even Yeti-like hominids. It’s believed the indigenous Guanches of pre-European colonization would make small sacrifices to these idols to protect themselves from the Tibicenas’ nocturnal hunts, but belief in them has persisted into modern times, with sightings being recorded as recently as the mid-1900s. Oddly, in the latter half of the century, there have continued to be sightings of mysterious large dogs exhibiting strange behavior or abilities, but these all having white fur.

Originally posted on Tumblr on December 6, 2016

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