The Ivanitsky Creature


The Ivanitsky Creature

Region of origin: Petropavlovsk village, Yakutsk, Russia

In an area with numerous sightings of flying humanoids, unexplained ghost-lights and UFO phenomena, the Ivanitsky family encountered another strange creature in their new home in Petropavlovsk in the early 1990s. Upon moving into the house, they heard a strange persistent chirping noise they initially assumed was a cricket, but after ten days they eventually uncovered the actual source: what appeared to be a dog-like animal that was then hiding underneath one of their beds. Attempting to force the animal out, the father of the family was instead met with a prehensile tentacle-like tongue that tried to grab his leg and it became quickly apparent they were not dealing with a dog but a blue-and-brown-furred animal with bat-like wings and a face described as being like a cast human mask with simple features and a triangular hole where the nose was. The panic between both the family and the creature led to a tussle resulting in the creature being beat near to death and left in a nearby excavation pit away from the home; when the father attempted to bring more witnesses to inspect it the creature had gone. There had been an earlier report of a similar creature encountered by a hunter in a cave near Mount Pidan back in the 1960s.

[Sources referenced: X | X | X ]

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